Hamsters are very cute, small animals that can make good first pets for children. These fun animals love exploring and can entertain themselves for hours running on their exercise wheel! With love and gentle handling, these furry friends can become very tame.

While hamsters don't require as much attention as larger pets, they certainly don't require less care. These nocturnal cuties must be looked after properly, which means attending to their needs so they can live a comfortable and happy life.
We've got all the information you need to look after your hamster correctly. So, whether you're a first time pet owner or a long-time hamster lover, you can click through our buttons below to find out more.
Our Hamster Articles
Water Bottles vs Water Bowls: Which Is Best For Your Hamster?
Providing hamsters with fresh, clean water is very important for their wellbeing, but is a water bowl or a water bottle better? Read here to find out more.
Can Hamsters Eat Hay? A Comprehensive Guide
Most other small animals that are part of the larger rodent family such as guinea pigs and rabbits need hay in their diets, but do hamsters really need it in their diet? Read here to find out.
Hamster Sand Baths: All You Need To Know
Sand baths are a great way for your hamster to stay clean. Read about what exactly a sand bath is and how to set one up for your pet.
How To Clean Out Your Hamster’s Cage
Hamsters are generally quite clean animals, but staying on top of cleaning their home helps to keep them happy and healthy. Read our how-to guide to keep their cage smelling fresh.
The Best Toys To Keep Your Hamster Entertained
Toys help to keep your hamster both exercised and entertained, so they can live a good quality life. Take a look at the toys we recommend for your hamster below.Â
Hamster Food: The Best Diet For Your Pet Hamster
A healthy hamster diet is important to keep your pet active, happy and prevents them from getting sick. Learn all about what you should be feeding your hamster here.
Hamster Teeth 101: Everything You Need To Know
Hamster teeth need to be taken care of properly, otherwise they can cause many issues for your pet. Learn all about hamster teeth and how to keep them healthy here.
How To Set Up Your Hamster Cage
Providing your hamster with a large and enriching home will help to keep them both happy and healthy. Check out what makes the perfect hamster cage and how to set one up.
Common Hamster Behaviors: What Is Normal?
Hamsters can't talk, so we have to watch of for their behaviors to understand them. But which behaviors are normal for your pet, and which might indicate there is something wrong with your hamster? Read on to find out more.