What To Feed Your Guinea Pig: A Complete Guide

Feeding your guinea pigs correctly helps to keep them happy and healthy. So, what should you feed your guinea pig?

Guinea pigs are herbivores. Their diet should be mainly made up of fresh hay, but they also need fresh vegetables and pellet food. Of course, they should also have constant access to fresh water, and the occasional treat is fine too! 

Let’s take a more in depth look at what makes up a healthy guinea pig diet. 


Hay should make up the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet. This is because it has multiple health benefits for your little furry friend.

Firstly, it can prevent your guinea pig’s teeth from overgrowing. Guinea pig’s teeth are constantly growing, so they need hay to munch on to help file down their teeth. If their teeth grow too long, they can experience severe dental issues.

Secondly, hay helps to maintain your guinea pig’s gut health. Hay keeps your pet’s digestive system running smoothly, so they more they eat, the better!

Hay should always be available to your guinea pig, and you may find you need to replace their hay stash multiple times a day. 

What Types Of Hay Should I Buy For My Guinea Pig?

There are different types of hay that you can feed to your guinea pig. The most popular hays among guinea pig owners are Timothy or meadow hay, but there is also orchard hay, bermuda hay and alfalfa hay.

Alfalfa hay should only be fed to young guinea pigs and pregnant females, because it is high in proteins and calcium. You can check with your vet as to whether your guinea pig should be eating alfalfa hay or a different kind.

Always ensure that your guinea pig’s hay is fresh and isn’t damp or going moldy. It should look and smell fresh at all times. 

Can My Guinea Pig Eat Fresh Grass?

Fresh grass is very healthy for your guinea pig. You can either pick it for them or they can munch on the grass when they are out of their hutch. Always ensure the grass is clean and free from any pesticides. If you pick grass from somewhere other than your garden, make sure you give it a good wash before you feed it to your guinea pigs.

It is important to remember that while fresh grass is good for your pets, it should not replace hay. Hay has the coarse, rough and fibrous texture needed to help wear your guinea pig’s teeth down and keep their digestive system in check. 

You should also never feed your guinea pig lawnmower clippings. These can upset your guinea pig’s stomach and make them ill. 

Fresh Vegetables

Just like humans, guinea pigs cannot create vitamin C. This means that they require vitamin C rich foods in their daily diet to keep them healthy. 

Offering your guinea pig fresh vegetables is a great way to ensure they get all their food requirements. You can give them these vegetables once a day, and the amount should be about one cup total per guinea pig.

The best types of vegetables for your guinea pig are leafy greens, such as kale, lettuce and parsley. They will also like green peppers, broccoli and tomatoes.

In the wild, guinea pigs don’t naturally eat fruit or root vegetables, but you can give them these small amounts. These can include strawberries, apples, watermelon, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potato and zucchini. 

Switch up the fruits and vegetables you give your guinea pig so they don’t get bored and keep a balanced and interesting diet. 

Toxic Foods For Guinea Pigs 

Unfortunately, not all foods are guinea pig safe. Avoid feeding your furry friend cabbage, coconuts, avocado, onions, raisins, grapes, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, grains, garlic and radish. 

Of course, you should also refrain from feeding your guinea pig any human food, too. It just isn’t good for them and could be dangerous. 


Pellets are another important part of your guinea pig’s diet. Just like fresh vegetables, these pellets also help to ensure your pet is getting the right amount of vitamin C needed to stay healthy. 

Always ensure you buy pellets specifically formulated for guinea pigs. We recommend you look for vitamin C enriched pellets, and choose pellets that are plain rather than a mix. This will mean your guinea pig can’t pick out the “best bits” of the food, and leave the bits they don’t want! 

Despite the fact they both contain vitamin C, don’t ever use pellets to replace fresh vegetables in your guinea pig’s diet. They need both!

Keep your guinea pig’s pellets stored in a cool and dry place, away from any damp to prevent mold and mildew. 

Treats and Snacks

While guinea pigs certainly don’t need treats, you will probably find yourself wanting to give them one every now and again! Many of the fruits and root vegetables we mentioned above are a great option as a treat. You can also use these foods as rewards for good behavior, or in training your guinea pig. 

In pet shops you will also see commercial treats marketed towards guinea pigs. While these are acceptable on a very rare occasion, you should avoid feeding them to your pet often. They can contain a lot of artificial sweeteners, which have no nutritional value for your pig! 

How Much Should I Feed My Guinea Pig? 

You should feed your guinea pig roughly 1/8th cup of pellets a day, a cup of fresh vegetables, and unlimited hay. Guinea pigs generally don’t overeat, but avoid feeding them more than this. They can risk becoming overweight, which can result in a number of health issues. 

Of course, this is just a guide. You will need to adjust the amount that you feed your guinea pig depending on their age, their activity level and whether they are pregnant or not. If you are ever concerned about the amount or have any questions, you should consult your vet. 

When introducing new foods to your guinea pig, make sure to do this gradually. This will prevent any stomach problems. It may take a few weeks to introduce a new pellet food to your guinea, and a few days to introduce new vegetables. 

To learn how to introduce new food to your guinea pigs safely, read our guide.

What Time Of The Day Should I Feed My Guinea Pig?

The time of day at which you feed your guinea pig is up to you and your schedule. We recommend you give your pig their pellets in one sitting, either in the morning or evening. However, the fresh vegetables can be given either all in one go in the morning or evening (with or without the pellets), or split. 

For example, you could give your guinea their 1/8th cup of pellets in the morning along with half a cup of fresh vegetables, and then give them the second half of their vegetable serving in the evening.

Whichever you choose, make sure their hay supply is topped up all day long. It is also important to remember fresh water should be available to them at all times. 

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Olivia Moore

A film director, rabbit mom and bird enthusiast, Olivia lives in the beautiful English countryside of Dorset. She splits her time between the UK and Los Angeles, where she works on a number of film and writing projects.